Sunday, January 19, 2014

Back to gaming

Got in my 3rd 6th Ed game 1500 pts. Got stomped pretty bad.
Part of the prob was my list, other was I guess my tactics.
I ran:
Calgar & Tigerious
2 TAC squad in rhinos ML & FL
Dev Squad 2 las 2 plans
2 predators AC turret 2 LC sponsons
1 dread
1 term squad w/ assault cannon

We set up long ways on the table.
24 inches between us.
1 rhino & predator on the left
Dread in the center
Rhino (with Calgar) and predator also center
Dev squad & tigirious on the right in cover
Terms held in reserve deep striking

Opponent infiltrated his scouts behind my Devs (first mistake for me)

My First turn the left side pushed forward, the right side pres moved up the rhino moved back and I disembark to deal with the scouts. Killed 2 they passed LD, my devs shot at his devs and wiffed everything. Preds also fired everything at a quad gun behind a def line. Got one hit thru with the auto cannon no pens

Enemy turn his vindicator busted thru a wall,and a TAC squad on the right moved up. Shooting, scouts shot my devs passed saves. He dropped a bombardment on my tac squad on the right killed 4 and put a wound on calgar. Vind wrecked the predator in the center, quad gun & devs wrecked the pred on the left.

My turn 2:
My terms come in, I set them up right behind the my opponents devs. And I scatter off the table, mishap rolls let's opponent place them, he put them all the way back in my deployment zone in dangerous terrain. I passed the dangerous terrain test. I moved up left rhino, moved the dread up also keeping behind cover. I use my orbital on his TAC squad with the quad gun. Killing 9, last man passes moral. Because I had calgar in with the TAC squad couldn't shoot at the remaining scouts. My devs shot at the vindicator I hit with everything by no pens or glaces. I snapshot a missile launcher from the rhino on the left at the quad gun, I hit with a 6 then roll a 1 to pen.

Enemy turn 2
He rolls to get in a landspeeder he places it close to my devs, it scatters into my TAC squad and is destroyed. Between his devs and scouts I lose all my devs except the Sgt. The vind wiffs on my dread

At this point I pretty much concede, we do play on thru turn 3 but all that happens is the dread and remain rhino on the left gets wrecked. Calgary dies to legion of the damned deep striking, after he wipes out the scouts.
I need some help with both my list and tactics.
Can anyone help?

Monday, October 1, 2012

Latest adventure in Tyranids

Got a good game in, 2k points against Ultramarines
his list was capt, librarian, 5man dev, 2x TAC squad w/ rhinos, 5man stern guard , scout squad, Daka pred, vindicator, 3 land speeders and 2 stormtalons.

I won the game, hero unit was a 5 man 1 broodlord. Took down the librarian and stern guard. Close second was my daka flyrant took out the Dev squad, capt and incaped a storm talon.

Trygon was great popping up in the backfield right next to my opponents tach squads, it bought me a turn for my 15 large brood of termagents to get into close combat.

Something's I learned was not to be afraid of flyers to much.
Also I need to not reserve Raveners if I play them, I didn't get them till turn 3 they ate a vindy but I could have done better, if they were in turn 1.

Monday, September 17, 2012

List of the SM I got from Bax

So, I finally went thru and did an inventory of all the Space Marine stuff that I got in a care package from my friend Bax. It's unbelievable, more so that I still have to count out a bunch of Eldar to go through. And I have my own collection of Space marine and Eldar stuff that I still haven't touched. Trying to get some motivation going to work on my Ultramarines, and some Dark Angels stuff. 

1x sniper scout squad
1x devestater squad
2x Sgt w/ P Fist (metal)
1x Land Raider Crusader
1x predator annihilator
1x predator (on spru)
1x Dreadnaught (AC / CCW)
1x assault squad
2x command squad spur
1x SM commander
3x bikes
1x term Chap
1x captain sicarius
1x Terminator squad
1x assault Terminator squad
5x combat squad

1x DA Sgt plasma pistol & chainsword
2x DA chapter upgrade  spur
2x DA company veteran

2x Black Templar upgrade spur
6x assorted BT marines (metal)
1x Emperor's Champion

Sunday, August 19, 2012

2nd game with Nids

Well finally got back to the store today and got a chance to play my first 6ed game and my 2nd game ever with nids. I used JustinTSB's 2k list from Two Smoking Bolters recent videos.

Had a good time, my Tervigons both doubled out first turn AGAIN! I prolly would have had a shot if they held out. My genestealers got stuck early on and weren't effective. I need to do some more research, and get some more practice in.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Landraider in prep

I started to work on the land raider. Got everything clipped removed mold lines and drilled out holes for magnates on the side sponsons and the top hull gun also.

I followed this vid:

Make sure you check out all his vids, he does a lot of great tutorials on modeling and painting.

Goal for tomorrow is to get it primed and basecoated.... and 2 razorbacks also... eek

Monday, March 12, 2012

Sunday gaming

Had a good day of playing today. Got in 2 games first was a 3000pt 2v2. Opponent stole initiative and we basically got crushed in the first round. Second game was a lot better. 1850pt against nids I got to use land raider for the first time they were awesome. I forgot to roll my deep striking shoot terms for 3 rounds. Dawn of war defiantly is horrible walking on devastators kept a swarm lord alive 2 rounds. My Dread was MVP for both games first dropped in and nuked land raider, 2nd dropped in and spot lighted the swarm lord allowing everything to fire got it down to 2 wounds first round . TH termies were good in the second beat down and broke a genestealer squad . Now I have alot of work  for next weeks big game.

"We march for Macragge!"

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Making some progress

Almost finished with the Devastator squad, just have the heads to add and some flare to the bases.

I started to glue together sections of my Drop pod and razorback to get them ready for priming

Have one week to get those and a Land raider ready for a Mega battle.